The programme features keynote talks, research papers, discussion panels, software demos and poster sessions. The PhD forum will feature talks from early carer researchers presenting their ongoing research.
Programme Outline
Wednesday, April 18th 2018
08:30-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-11:00 | PhD forum |
11:00-12:00 | Career talk: Prof Wendy W. Chapman, University of Utah Navigating the Mountain of My Career: Lessons Learned from Skiing |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-14:00 | Keynote: Prof Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI-CNRS ICD-10 coding of death certificates: CLEF e-Health Shared Tasks datasets and methods (Slides) |
14:00-15:00 | Research paper presentations – session 1 |
15:00-15:30 | Posters and demos – session 2 (with coffee break) |
15:30-17:00 | Panel: Text mining veterinary clinical records: opportunities for veterinary and human healthcare researchers |
17:00-18:30 | HealTAC-2018 Industry Forum |
18:30-20:30 | Drinks reception and dinner |
Thursday, April 19th 2018
09:00-10:30 | Research paper presentations – session 3 |
10:30-12:20 | Posters and demos (with coffee) – session 4 |
12:20-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-14:00 | Keynote: Prof Wendy W. Chapman, University of Utah NLP Out of the Box: Is it Possible? |
14:00-14:30 | Open discussions |
14:30-15:10 | Posters and demos (with coffee) – session 5 |
15:10-16:40 | Panel: Understanding how to gain public trust in healthcare text analytics |
16:40-17:00 | Close |
Keynote speakers
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Prof Wendy W. Chapman, University of Utah
Dr. Chapman earned her Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and her PhD in Medical Informatics from the University of Utah in 2000. From 2000-2010 she was a National Library of Medicine postdoctoral fellow and then a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh. She joined the Division of Biomedical Informatics at the University of California, San Diego in 2010. In 2013, Dr. Chapman became the chair of the University of Utah, Department of Biomedical Informatics. Dr. Chapman’s research focuses on developing and disseminating resources for modeling and understanding information described in narrative clinical reports. She is interested not only in better algorithms for extracting information out of clinical text through natural language processing (NLP) but also in generating resources for improving the NLP development process (such as shareable annotations and open source toolkits) and in developing user applications to help non-NLP experts apply NLP in informatics-based tasks like clinical research and decision support.She has been a principal investigator on several NIH grants from the National Library of Medicine, National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, and National Institute for General Medical Sciences. In addition, she has collaborated on multi-center grants including the ONC SHARP Secondary Use of Clinical Data and the iDASH National Center for Biomedical Computing. Dr. Chapman is a PI and a co-investigator on a number of VA Health Services Research and Development (HSRD) grant proposals extending the development and application of NLP within the VA.A tenured Professor at the University of Utah, Dr. Chapman continues her research in addition to leading the Department of Biomedical Informatics. Dr. Chapman is an elected fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and currently serves as Treasurer, was the previous chair of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Natural Language Processing Working Group, and is the chair of the AMIA Student Paper Awards Committee. |
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Prof Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI-CNRS
Dr. Zweigenbaum has pioneered the use of natural language processing in biomedicine, particularly in the field of biomedical information extraction and automatic linguistic knowledge extraction from free text in multiple languages. Dr. Zweigenbaum’s research focus is Natural Language Processing (NLP), with medicine as a main application domain – what is now known as “BioNLP”, of which he is one of the pioneers and a recognized authority. Through his work on information extraction in multilingual settings, he has developed innovative methods (and companion tools) to detect various types of medical entities, expand abbreviations, resolve co-references, and detect relations. He has also designed novel methods for the automatic acquisition of linguistic knowledge from corpora and thesauri, as well as methods to help extend lexicons and terminologies, including in multiple languages. |
Detailed Programme
Wednesday, April 18th 2018
Thursday, April 19th 2018
09:00-10:30 | Research paper presentations – session 3 (chair Rob Stewart)
9:00-9:20 M. Arguello Casteleiro, R. Stevens, D. Maseda-Fernandez, M.J. Fernandez-Prieto, J.J. Des-Diz, C. Wroe, G. Demetriou, D.A. Singleton, E. Arsevska, P.J. Noble, P.H. Jones, J. Dukes-Mcewan, A.D. Radford, J. Keane and G. Nenadic: Can a Semantic Deep Learning approach gain insights for One Health? A case study on heart failure 9:20-9:30 Hegler Tissot and Richard Dobson: Identifying misspelt names of drugs in medical records written in Portuguese (Slides)9:30-9:40 Josiah Poon, Yiu-Ming Ng, Kong-Ming Leung, Simon Poon, Justin Wu, Vincent Mok and Alexander Lau: Text mining of stroke outcomes from the electronic health records in an integrative stroke unit 9:40-9:50 Break 9:50-10:00 Alicja Piotrkowicz, Owen Johnson and Geoff Hall: Large scale healthcare text analytics with IBM Watson: a Pilot Study 10:00-10:10 Danielle Mowery, Albert Park and Mike Conway: Applying the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change to Reddit Data: A Pilot Study of Cessation Strategies and Outcomes among Tobacco Users (Slides)10:10-10:30 Irena Spasic, David Owen, Andrew Smith and Kate Button: Closing in on open–ended patient questionnaires with text mining (Slides) |
10:30-12:20 | Posters and demos (with coffee) – session 4
10:40 Michael Upshall (UNSILO): UNSILO Classify for Medical Literature search (demo) 11:10 Simon Baker (University of Cambridge): Introducing the LION literature-based discovery system for cancer biology (demo) 11:40 Azad Dehghan (DeepCognito), Cathal Gallagher (d-Wise Technologies, Inc.): Blur/AITAP – Free Text De-identification (demo) 12:00 Simon Thompson, Jeffrey Peng (Swansea University Medical School): MedGATE (demo) |
12:20-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-14:00 | Keynote: Prof Wendy W. Chapman, University of Utah NLP Out of the Box: Is it Possible? |
14:00-14:30 | Open discussions |
14:30-15:10 | Posters and demos – session 5 (with coffee break)
14:30 Angus Roberts, Matthew Broadbent, Anna Kolliakou, Jyoti Sanyal, Ian Roberts and Robert Stewart: Sharing NLP and Compute Services: Cloud Based Natural Language Processing at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust 14:50 Edward Brown (Linguamatics): Extracting ICD-O Coded Pathology Diagnoses from Electronic Health Records |
15:10-16:40 | Panel: Understanding how to gain public trust in healthcare text analytics |
16:40-17:00 | Close |
Accepted papers (long)
- Text Mining Brain Imaging Reports
Claire Grover, Richard Tobin, Beatrice Alex, Catherine Sudlow, Grant Mair and William Whiteley - Closing in on open–ended patient questionnaires with text mining
Irena Spasic, David Owen, Andrew Smith and Kate Button - Natural language processing of primary care records for patients with myocardial infarction: a pilot study
Anoop D. Shah, Emily Garrett, Tim Williams, Spiros Denaxas and Harry Hemingway - Can a Semantic Deep Learning approach gain insights for One Health? A case study on heart failure
M. Arguello Casteleiro, R. Stevens, D. Maseda-Fernandez, M.J. Fernandez-Prieto, J.J. Des-Diz, C. Wroe, G. Demetriou, D.A. Singleton, E. Arsevska, P.J. Noble, P.H. Jones, J. Dukes-Mcewan, A.D. Radford, J. Keane and G. Nenadic
Accepted papers (short presentations)
- Identifying misspelt names of drugs in medical records written in Portuguese
Hegler Tissot and and Richard Dobson - Using natural language processing to extract clinical data from epilepsy clinic letters
Arron Lacey, Beata Fonferko-Shadrach, Ashley Akbari, Simon Thompson, David Ford, Ronan Lyons, Mark Rees and Owen Pickrell - Text mining of stroke outcomes from the electronic health records in an integrative stroke unit
Josiah Poon, Yiu-Ming Ng, Kong-Ming Leung, Simon Poon, Justin Wu, Vincent Mok and Alexander Lau - Large scale healthcare text analytics with IBM Watson: a Pilot Study
Alicja Piotrkowicz, Owen Johnson and Geoff Hall - Applying the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change to Reddit Data: A Pilot Study of Cessation Strategies and Outcomes among Tobacco Users
Danielle Mowery, Albert Park and Mike Conway
Session 2:
- Linguistics Derived Rule-Based Methods in Chinese Biomedical and Clinical Text Mining
Josiah Poon, Kun-Jun Lee, Nick Enfield, Zevari Hung, Wai-Ling Lin, Wendy Wong, Yan-Li Ju, Simon Poon, Justin Wu and Alexander Lau - Machine Learning and NLP in EMRs: Identify CHF from Free Text Clinical Notes
Margot Yann, Therese Stukel, Karen Tu and Liisa Jaakkimainen. - KneeQApp: Supporting self-management of knee conditions with question answering
David Owen, Kate Button and Irena Spasic
Session 4:
- Large-scale Text Mining of Veterinary Narrative in SAVSNET for Research and Surveillance
A.D. Radford, P.J. Noble, P.H. Jones, F. Sánchez-Vizcaíno, B. Brant, S. Smyth, E. Arsevska, J. Newman, D.A. Singleton, Mercedes Arguello Casteleiro and G. Nenadic - Identification of Time Expressions in Mental Health Records
Natalia Viani, André Bittar, Joyce Kam, Ayunni Alawi, Lucia Yin, Rina Dutta, Robert Stewart and Sumithra Velupillai - Early prediction of dementia with Lewy bodies with natural language processing of electronic health records
Julia Ive, Sumithra Velupillai and Robert Stewart - Temporal Distribution of Suicidality Mentions in Electronic Health Records
André Bittar, Sumithra Velupillai, Johnny Downs, Catherine Polling, Natalia Viani, Robert Stewart and Rina Dutta - Dementia-related information extraction from electronic patient records of a secondary care mental health NHS trust using the UK-CRIS platform
Kim Chi-Hun, Azad Dehghan, Luka Gligic, Nevado-Holgado Alejo, Simon Lovestone and Goran Nenadic - Mining free-text patient feedback comments
Azad Dehghan, Humayun Kayesh, Gavin Daker-White, Evan Kontopantelis, Will Dixon, Caroline Sanders and Goran Nenadic - Mining Free-Text Medical Notes for Suicide Risk Assessment
Marios Adamou, Grigoris Antoniou, Elissavet Greasidou, Vincenzo Lagani, Paulos Charonyktakis and Ioannis Tsamardinos - Ontology Learning from Hand Crafted, Paediatric MCQs
Ghader Kurdi, Bijan Parsia and Uli Sattler - Extracting adverse drug reactions and their context using sequence labelling ensembles
Maksim Belousov, Nikola Milosevic, William Dixon and Goran Nenadic
Session 5:
- Improving the Identification of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Evidence using Lexical Statistics
Amal Alharbi and Mark Stevenson - Exploring research domains for author disambiguation from MEDLINE to and back
Dina Vishnyakova, Raul Rodriguez-Esteban and Fabio Rinaldi - Using the Big Picture – A Deep and Distant Approach to Classification of Suicidal Ideation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Xingyi Song, Johnny Downs, Sumithra Velupillai, Rachel Holden, Maxim Kikoler, Rina Dutta and Angus Roberts
- HealTAC-2018 Industry Forum
(organisers: Angus Roberts, Clare Grover and David Milward) - Understanding how to gain public trust in healthcare text analytics
(organisers: Elizabeth Ford, Lamiece Hassan, Malcolm Oswald, Jessica Stockdale, Benjamin Brown, Grace-anne McCorkle) - Text mining veterinary clinical records – opportunities for veterinary and human healthcare researchers
(organisers: Rachel Dean, PJ Noble, Noel Kennedy, Fabio Rinaldi, Mercedes Arguello Casteleiro)
- Sharing NLP and Compute Services: Cloud Based Natural Language Processing at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Angus Roberts, Matthew Broadbent, Anna Kolliakou, Jyoti Sanyal, Ian Roberts and Robert Stewart - UNSILO Classify for Medical Literature search
Michael Upshall (UNISLO) - Introducing the LION literature-based discovery system for cancer biology
Simon Baker (University of Cambridge) - Blur/AITAP – Free Text De-identification
Azad Dehghan (DeepCognito), Cathal Gallagher (d-Wise Technologies, Inc.) - Using word embeddings to link the language of patients with standardised terminology
Aji Barot (HealthUnlocked) - Extracting ICD-O Coded Pathology Diagnoses, and Quality Measures, from Electronic Health Records
Edward Brown (Linguamatics) - MedGATE
Simon Thompson, Jeffrey Peng (Swansea University Medical School)
PhD forum
[see also details here.]- Understanding underdiagnosis: The potential contribution of free-text to dementia research
Shanu Sadhwani - Knowledge capture for a novel text analytics tool: analysis of Public Comments on Patient Information Leaflets to Measure Quality Perception and Patient Understanding
Fernando Santos Sanchez - Integrating Structured and Unstructured Sources for Temporal Representation of Patients’ Histories
Ghada Alfattni - A deep learning approach to sentiment analysis of patient narratives
Anastasia Zunic - Mining adverse drug reactions and their impact on patients’ quality of life in social media
Maksim Belousov