Past Events
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Text Mining Under The Hood – are computers able to understand the human language
Professor Irena Spasić (University of Cardiff) Cardiff University's College of Physical Sciences and Engineering invites you to the next event in our inaugural Lecture Series, delivered by Professor Irena Spasić…
Find out more »Sharing clinical text analytics methods and algorithms: a GATE-based hackathon
Healtex - the UK healthcare text analytics network - is focused on sharing clinical text analytics methods and algorithms. To support this aim, we are hosting an evening and a…
Find out more »Second call for feasibility studies and pilot projects
Applications are invited for 3-4 months short pilot/feasibility studies in the areas of interest to Healtex. The purpose is to provide short term support to allow initial investigation of new…
Find out more »11th GATE Training Course: Large Scale Text and Social Media Analytics
The GATE training course will be held from 11-15 June 2018 at the University of Sheffield, UK. Early registration deadline is 17 April 2018. This event will follow a similar…
Find out more »Datathon: Identification of Adverse Drug Reactions from Social Media
We are delighted to invite teams to participate in one-day datathon to assess the current state-of-the-art in the identification of adverse drug reactions from social media posts. The aim of…
Find out more »Data governance standards for working with free-text data
Free-text data held in healthcare records represent a vast, untapped source of rich information to guide research and clinical care. Generally, clinical data need to be de-identified before they can…
Find out more »HealTAC 2019
Following the exciting HealTAC 2018, the UK healthcare text analytics network (Healtex) is organising the second conference in the series next April in Cardiff, Wales. Healthcare narratives recorded in documents…
Find out more »Second call for dissemination events
We invite proposals to organise and host events that will demonstrate existing solutions and engage with possible new users. While the format of such events will depend on the audience…
Find out more »Course on Medical Natural Language Processing at King’s
The course provides an introduction to the nature of medical text, and the technical and organisational challenges encountered when processing. It will be based around practical examples and widely used…
Find out more »Manchester Digital Epidemiology Summer School
The Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, one of the Healtex partners, is hosting the Manchester Digital Epidemiology Summer School, which is an exciting 3-day course where participants will learn all…
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