We have partnered with the following organisations:

  • Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology
  • HealthUnlocked
  • UK Renal Registry
  • South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust


3816_epidem_logo_col_blockUKRR  HU SLAM

We will be also working closely with the Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, and in particular with Health eResearch Centre:

farr-institute   herc-logo

Initial members



ManchesterkingsCardiff  Edinburgh Sheffield  Cambridge liverpool  salford   EdNapUni_red   ucl aberdeen   sussex   brighton   oxford


christie  salford-nhs-logo  NBT_logo  GlasgowRoyalManchesterChildrensHospitallhb-logo-cardiff  PRIME  NHS_Scotland



AstraZeneca-logo-3Dlinguamatics    bww_logo_croppedopenconnection quirkow