Past Events
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Healtex/HDR-UK early career survey
In collaboration with the Health Data Research UK (HDR-UK), Healtex are planning an event in late October 2019 to facilitate building the Early Career Researchers (ERC) community, scoping future events…
Find out more »Call for dissemination events
We invite proposals to organise and host events that will demonstrate existing solutions and engage with possible new users. While the format of such events will depend on the audience…
Find out more »Third call for feasibility studies and pilot projects
Applications are invited for 3-4 months short pilot/feasibility studies in the areas of interest to Healtex. The purpose is to provide short term support to allow initial investigation of new…
Find out more »Workshop: Generating synthetic healthcare text data
Towards Shareable Data in Clinical NLP - Generating Synthetic EHR We are pleased to announce a dissemination and evaluation event for the Healtex feasibility project 'Towards Shareable Data in Clinical…
Find out more »Healtex/HDR UK training event
From experimental design to publication: basic skill training to conduct good research in healthcare text mining This 1-day workshop, jointly organized by Healtex and Health Data Research UK, aims at…
Find out more »HealTAC 2020
We were delighted to announce the 3rd UK healthcare text analytics conference HealTAC 2020 in London, but given the situation with the corona virus, we have decided that HealTAC 2020…
Find out more »Future Health and New Technologies conference
The Call for Abstracts is now open for the Future Health and New Technologies Conference 2020, which will bring together experts exploring the ethical, legal and social implications of technological…
Find out more »Manchester Digital Epidemiology NOT Summer School
Due to COVID-19, the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis is postponing the third Manchester Digital Epidemiology Summer School and instead of July, it will now take place in November 2020.…
Find out more »Governance, tools and approaches for using text analytics and natural language processing for research
Information stored within electronic health records (EHR) that is recorded in written form – sometimes referred to as unstructured text – is difficult to use in research because special computerised…
Find out more »HealTAC 2021
We are delighted to announce HealTAC 2021, the forth annual UK healthcare text analytics conference in June - please save the date! All information is available at http://healtex.org/healtac-2021/
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